Threads by Kate Evans

Kate Evans's graphic novel Threads is a first hand report of what she experienced and witnessed when she volunteered in the Calais Jungle. Her novel introduces the reader to a variety of refugees, shares their stories, shows their living conditions, and explains the way they are treated. I feel that I have learned a lot from reading this novel, not only about the thousands of refugees and asylum seekers that were fleeing their homeland and hoping to somehow get to the UK, but also about the many different ways that volunteers and citizens can help to support and care for these people. Evans uses her novel to show readers how her volunteer work has made a difference and how others can make a difference. She inform readers of the little things they can do from their home, what supplies these people need, and how it is used to support people and make a difference. 

Food items that are useful include chickpeas, rice, caned fish, long lasting milk, ginger, garlic, and oranges.

Clothing items that are necessity during winter include blankets and sleeping bags, sweat pants, undergarments, boots and sneakers. 

Useful skills include bilingual, lawyers, cooks, hard workers

A variety of clothing in different sizes or just money to buy specific items that are in need. 

Hygiene products, clothing, shoes, gas, and baby wipes to clean anything.

I feel that after reading Threads by Kate Evans I have a deeper understanding of the experiences of a refugee, but also the resources and materials that they need to help keep a safe and clean environment to be in. Someone in our class suggested that we do some type of volunteer work support the refugees in Maine or our local environment. I think that is the reason for this graphic novel, to ignite and encourage the readers need to give support to those in need whenever and however possible. 


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