The Outside Circle by Patti LaBoucane-Benson & art by Kelly Mellings

Large Panel Spreads

While reading The Outside Circle these following pages stuck out the most to me. I really liked the way Kelly Mellings created these large panels that covered the whole page and depict multiple memories within one. She illustrates a scene in the background and overlays sequencing photos to display a vivid memory.

I really liked this art style and decided I would try to create a similar effect by using real photographs of a few of my favorite memories. 
Last August my boyfriend and I hiked Mount Pierce Mount Pierce, a 4,000+ ft. mountain in the Presidential Range in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. This was our first 4,000 footer and it was such an amazing trip for our one year anniversary. At the beginning of the trail there is a waterfall that we posed to take a picture in front of, and then again we posed at the top where you could see trees for miles.

Every summer since I can remember for a week in the beginning of the summer my family and I have rented a cabin on the sore of  Crystal Lake in Bristol NH. Here I like to sit in the sun all day long then  swim in the warm water at dusk. I have so many great memories here.

For the past four years I have been a lifeguard at my hometowns local public pool at Livingston Park. I like to use my whistle to yell at the patrons and tell them to stop having fun. but before the pool opens and after the pool closes is when the real fun happens and the guards miss behave. 


  1. Awesome idea to play around with the layout to create memory spreads.


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